Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 18

Rosie's fairy gang is growing

Happy to be a part of this story

April 19

Had a cancellation because of the weather and was able to sneak Dan in for a Celtic knot

Did you know there's such a thing as synchronized team figure skating? I learned that from my client Shannon while we did some script on the ribs. The shading around the moon and stars will fade out to a nice light grey. Excited to see it healed

Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 17

It was fun to see and catch up with ashley again. Did some cover up work.

Will starts the tattoo addiction with a memorial for his dog Tyson. What an honor to be a part of this one

Lane continues the spider band. Into the spots that would make a weaker man sob, Lane remains a cool customer the whole time.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 16

Lindsey let me draw this really fun sun for the foot. Great first tattoo choice

Travarus gets his first pro tattoo. Little Egyptian influence on the wrist

Paul continues adding to his arm with this little night scene I drew up!

April 14

Keith picks a fun one for his first tattoo. Color next time

Dom keeps the annual trend of a birthday tattoo going. 3 years and still going strong

April 13

Cody decided to go for the glory with a stargazer on the elbow

Jol went with an excellent tribute for his dad. Puerto Rican and American flags in the wings

Angela keeps her sunflower collection growing with the latest installment

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 12

A big work in progress. Outline mania!

A few lyrics added to the RKR collection

April 11

I always enjoy hand drawing and doing trees like this

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 10

Leeann celebrates some changes with a new piece. Biggest tattoo to date! More color coming soon

Karl starts a larger piece, handled the pain like an old pro

Jeanine starts her tattoo collection with a fun one for her son that I drew up

April 9

DB continues his collection with this bell i drew to symbolize his family name and where they come from

Duncan gets his first tattoo with this emblem with some personal touches

Donny shows his pride and fills some space with the Viking head

April 7

Mark goes for the Greek flag

Ryan keeps the sleeve progress moving!

Nothing like a tiny single needle cross to test yourself!

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 6

Evan adds some lettering to the wrist

Jaime gets his Pisces tattoo started! Color coming soon!

Briana adds to her growing flower collection with a fun sunflower

April 5

Took over this project to try to bring some order to the chaos of this old tribal

More work on paradise lost for Moses

Juan goes big

April 4

I had previously done the state outline and lettering. Added the scene this time. Always a fun to work with Noah

This feather was pretty fun also. Hand drew it and added in the lettering as the client requested to look like the "ac⚡dc" logo

Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 3

More work on Jason's Mayan themed sleeve

Fun fix up


March 31/April 2

So as promised, in a concerted effort to move away from Facebook but still keep photos flowing, here we go! These are all from the end of march beginning of April